Assistant Manager, Congressional Affairs (Project Management)
Input invoices and assist in managing/forecasting department budgets and assist with contract management
Help develop, manage, and prepare annual Government Affairs, Communications, and relevant Special Project budget submissions
Coordinate and oversee a variety of AAR-sponsored legislative events, including Railroad Day on the Hill
Provide administrative support to the Government Affairs and Communications team
Prepare and submit quarterly and semi-annual lobbying disclosure reports and ensure compliance with all relevant Congressional ethics rules
Lobbying Duties
Monitor and track important legislative and regulatory issues
Attend and report on congressional hearings and briefings as directed
Attend and participate in industry fundraisers
Advocate industry positions with Congressional members and staff
Develop and maintain relations with strategic partners, including the Congressional Black Caucus Institute and the Congressional Hispanic Caucus
Actively pursue expansion of job-related responsibilities, skills, and knowledge, and demonstrate initiative whenever possible
Other duties as assigned
The above description of responsibilities is representative of the position and the knowledge and experience a successful candidate is expected to have when hired but is not intended to limit or preclude other responsibilities and tasks that may be associated with or added to the position based on the needs and strategic direction of the organization.